meet the founder, Katelynn

my story:

I’ve been a creative, goal-driven, art lovin’, introvert my entire life. I grew up in Tulsa, OK and fell in love with art early on. I went on to study painting and sculpture in art school and learned about the art world from interning and working in various art non-profits, museums, and art centers. After I graduated, the art school hired me to help guide and support students and prospective students. I co-founded a local emerging artist collective that is still active today with 70 members based in the Oklahoma City metro.

That’s where I found my passion of helping other creatives. Working and connecting with other artists, sharing resources and ideas, and elevating as a community is how we succeed in this field. I created Art Friends as a way to build and stay connected to an expansive community, share what I have learned along the way, and grow together.

I am a full time artist, teacher, and coach for ambitious artists. I am passionate about helping other artists thrive in their art, career, and life with joy and confidence.


Art Friends is a combination of everything I love about an art community:

learning new things about business, art techniques, money, self-care, mindset, and personal growth


hanging out with friends with similar goals and interests and sharing resources, feedback, and support